Your organization has a lot of content you want to share with your email subscribers. Problem is, a “content dump” won’t move the needle. People will stop scrolling after the second or third item and bounce.
You also know that storytelling is central to your fundraising and marketing efforts.
Take those two together and you’ve got the recipe for an email people will pay attention to!
In this week’s episode of The Weekly SEND, Ephraim reviews an email with a story. Watch and learn about
- how to use curiosity in your subject lines
- the 1-2-3 design format that works great in emails
- the K.I.S.S. content method
- using storytelling (in email and your blog) to connect subscribers to your mission.
Click below and see how to keep your emails short while telling a story subscribers want to read more about.
Want to raise more money using email? Check out my email services to help your nonprofit grow and thrive.
The Weekly SEND is powered by Foundant Technologies. Software solutions designed specifically for the unique needs of nonprofit organizations.