One of the reasons people donate to your nonprofit is they want to solve a problem in their community.
That means not only do you have to present them with the problem but also let them know how they can provide a solution.
One way to do that via email is to demonstrate how far a subscriber’s gift will go. As they skim your email they’ll see that a donation of X dollars provides Y help. That framing can assist them in making a quick decision: To give or not to give.
In this week’s episode of The Weekly SEND- where we show you how to boost your nonprofit email fundraising and marketing- Ephraim reviews a Giving Tuesday campaign email. Watch to find out
- how video can be used to help inform and engage your audience
- why you should use words, terms and phrases that your audience is familiar with
- what can happen when you show the impact of a donation.
Click below and see how one organization used email effectively during a major fundraising campaign.
Want to raise more money using email? Check out my email services to help your nonprofit grow and thrive.
The Weekly SEND is powered by Foundant Technologies. Software solutions designed specifically for the unique needs of nonprofit organizations.