You ask supporters to donate for something urgent. For example, a tornado touches down and devastates everything in its path. Post appeal, you should use email to provide updates about progress on the ground.
Those updates shouldn’t just be a one-off a few days after the initial appeal. It should be ongoing. Send another one a few weeks later and share a story, demonstrate impact and show subscribers how they’re helping people in the affected areas.
In this week’s episode of The Weekly SEND- where we show you how to boost your nonprofit email fundraising and marketing- Ephraim reviews a timely email about relief efforts after a natural disaster. Watch and learn about
- how to keep subscribers updated
- what happens when you only use one CTA in your email
- attracting eyeballs to your website
- using email to drive action that drives further action.
Click below and see how updating subscribers in a timely fashion can help your organization’s efforts.
The Weekly SEND is powered by Foundant Technologies. Software solutions designed specifically for the unique needs of nonprofit organizations.