Marketing & Fundraising

1832 created a comprehensive marketing strategy to boost and upgrade Yesh Tikva’s fundraising efforts. It included the following components:

  • Strategy Creation: Competitive analysis landscape, interviews, analysis of current situation, crafting of custom tailored marketing (includes social media and media outreach) and fundraising strategy
  • Branding: New brand look, new messaging
  • Website: Review of old site, building of new site map, working with devel company to build new site, copywriting, launch
  • Email marketing: Craft email marketing and fundraising plan to boost open rate and CTR
  • Video: Find video company to work with. Work on script and visuals for 5 animated videos being produced to describe Yesh Tikva’s work
  • Content: Content strategy creation. Content plan for social media (to better engage followers and drive people to take action), custom content calendar. creating new content and editing old content
  • Copywriting: New 1 pager, grant writing assistance and editing, Preparing speeches, pitch decks, presentations, executive summary, handbooks for new affiliates and drive
  • Programming: Review of current programs, creating surveys for past and current participants, build comprehensive events calendar for next 2 years
yesh tikva logo

CLIENT: Yesh Tikva


MISSION:  Yesh Tikva offers free professional psychosocial services, resources and tools to those struggling with infertility, while simultaneously raising awareness and sensitivity on the subject throughout the Jewish community.

TYPE: Nonprofit

LOCATION: Headquartered in Los Angeles but they work with communities across the U.S.

WORK WITH: Majority of work is with Gila Muskin Block, Founder and Executive Director of Yesh Tikva.

The client said about working with us:

Ephraim is a dedicated and talented consultant. He guided Yesh Tikva through a full website and marketing redesign with content, copy and marketing strategies. No question was left unanswered and no task unresolved, all completed in a successful and timely manner. I would strongly recommend his expertise to all in need of support with marketing, fundraising, organizational management and content creation.

Gila Muskin Block, Founder and Executive Director