There are lots of ways to raise interest and awareness about your organization. And that doesn’t have to mean taking an “in your face” approach.
In today’s SEND I’m going to share with you an email from a small nonprofit in Indianapolis. Rather than doing a regular ask, they came up with a fantastic idea to:
- Get people in the door
- Have fun with friends
- Learn about the organization in a fun atmosphere
There’s one thing they forgot to add in their email. Please watch the video and learn why that one thing could be super beneficial to your mission.
Overall? Great idea to raise a little money and a lot of awareness!
The Weekly SEND is my free, weekly video series where I teach nonprofits how to upgrade their email fundraising and marketing efforts. Sign up here.
The Weekly SEND is powered by 1832 Communications. Use email to build more relationships, stabilize your revenue and go from survival to thrival.