Even with open rate being a metric we can’t rely on, we know that the average reader only opens 1 in 3-4 emails you send.
Which means they’re missing important content you’re sharing in the emails they don’t open.
One way to overcome that? Connect email with social media.
In this week’s SEND, Team Orbis does that in a very simple but smart way. Create more opps for people to engage with your content and connect with your organization.
They don’t open every email? Encourage them to follow you on the socials
One other reason why I like this email: They connect staff with readers. That’s very important! Introduce your audience to the people making magic on the ground and directly impacting the communities donors give to.
Learn how to increase the chances people will see and engage with your content.
The Weekly SEND is powered by 1832 Communications. Use email to build more relationships, stabilize your revenue and go from survival to thrival.