I’m continuing this week to share with you best practices for fundraising emails.
Why? To help make your year-end campaigns surpass your goals!
An email isn’t just the content you compose. It’s made up of a lot of different parts which all need to be optimized to engage readers, mobilize them to click the CTA button and donate.
In this week’s episode of The Weekly SEND- where I show you how to upgrade your nonprofit email fundraising and marketing- I’ll share with you a good fundraising email from Crossroads Mission Avenue.
You’ll learn best practices for
- subject line
- hero image
- fundraising copy
- personalization!!!
- showing the impact
- the footer and much more.
In just 5 minutes you’ll learn best practices for composing fundraising emails which convert.
The Weekly SEND is my free, weekly video series where I teach nonprofits how to upgrade their email fundraising and marketing efforts. Sign up here.
The Weekly SEND is powered by 1832 Communications. Use email to build more relationships, stabilize your revenue and go from survival to thrival.