You’re telling supporters a great story. You’re letting them know how wonderful they are, sharing with them the impact of their gift and thanking them profusely for their generosity.
Everyone has those warm and fuzzy feelings and then…
You hit them with something that shouldn’t be included in a thank you letter.
In today’s SEND I’m sharing with you an email that was FANTASTIC until the ending. Watch and learn
- Who tells the story is just as important as the story itself
- How to share content that isn’t always a fundraising ask
- What you should absolutely avoid in your thank you letters.
Learn a new fundraising term and then avoid doing it.
Want to raise more money using email? Check out my email services to help your nonprofit grow and thrive.
The Weekly SEND is my free, weekly video series where I teach nonprofits how to upgrade their email fundraising and marketing efforts. Sign up here.
The Weekly SEND is powered by 1832 Communications. Use email to build more relationships, stabilize your revenue and go from survival to thrival.