Here’s a tip: Not all of your emails should include a fundraising ask! In fact, a variety of content is the way to go.
Why? So that subscribers keep opening your emails and engage with you.
In this week’s episode of The Weekly SEND- where I show you how to boost your nonprofit email fundraising and marketing- I’ll share with you a good email from Houston Food Bank which includes content that is “different” while also pointing to a very important page on your website.
Watch and learn
- why a variety of email content helps build relationships
- about the importance of sharing impact and not just $$$ amounts
- what page MUST be on your website
- how to display your diversified fundraising portfolio to your audience.
Click below and see how to create an email that can be fun, educational and engaging.
The Weekly SEND is my free, weekly video series where I teach nonprofits how to upgrade their email fundraising and marketing efforts. Sign up here.
The Weekly SEND is powered by 1832 Communications. Use email to build more relationships, stabilize your revenue and go from survival to thrival.