Money is important. I get it.
But if the only way to give to your organization is money, you’re potentially losing out on lots of people who want to support your cause.
The goal is to have a diversified fundraising portfolio. To do that, offer supporters numerous ways to give and have impact.
In this week’s episode of The Weekly SEND- where I show you how to upgrade your nonprofit email fundraising and marketing- I’ll share with you a good fundraising email from the ASPCA. But here’s the catch folks: They’re NOT asking for money!
Watch and learn
- why curiosity makes for a great subject line
- what a great hero image looks like
- how to use icons to help people understand your ask (especially skimmers)
- how to match your email to your landing page.
Click below and see a good example of how to fundraise without a dollar ask.
The Weekly SEND is powered by 1832 Communications. Use email to build more relationships, stabilize your revenue and go from survival to thrival.
Want to raise more money using email? Check out my email services to help your nonprofit grow and thrive.