Today I’m going to do something that I’ve preached staying far away from.
I never discuss it and I tell my clients not to either, unless they want to start a firestorm in the comments. Given the discourse today, said firestorm will hit Godwin’s Law much quicker than in the past.
I know that what I’m doing is risky, has the potential to offend many people and could certainly cause some of my colleagues and friends to reconsider their relationships with me.
As sad as I find that and as scary as it is to jump into the shark infested waters of politics, I’m gonna do it:
I’m going to share with you who I’m voting for next week for President of the United States.
The Choice Is Clear
Left vs. right. Liberal vs. conservative. Donkey vs. elephant.
Every election- go back and watch video and read reports if you wanna fact check me but I’m 100% correct on this- is called “the most important election” or “the most crucial election to the future of the United States.” Every single one.
But were they? I think it’s good that people take elections so seriously but I’m not sure it’s healthy to be invested in an election for two years.
Because the race for the White House started the day after the midterm elections. The pundits on TV started making predictions, potential candidates began putting together exploratory teams and Twitter buzzed with news of the latest rising star.
But even with all that, the choice we have before us is not much of a surprise. We have a good idea who both candidates are and what they stand for. Everyone has an opinion about each of them, including undecided voters.
Having listened to both candidates, gone thru their platforms, reviewed their ideas for improving America’s future, I have come to a decision about who I will vote for.
I believe my decision is the only clear choice because in these times, we need someone who can actually get the job done of governing, lowering the financial burden on the middle class, helping those who need it most while keeping America strong, the home of the brave and the leader of the free democratic world.
My choice could only be:

Courtesy MAD Magazine on Facebook. Artist: Norman Mingo
Mea Culpa
A few weeks ago was the most solemn and holiest day on the Jewish calendar: Yom Kippur. It is a day where we reflect on our sins of the past year, beg atonement and consider ways to be a better person in the coming year.
There are many, many people I have sinned against and need to ask their forgiveness for how I have treated them. But one person in particular stood out above all the rest:
Alfred E. Neuman.
For four decades (!!!) I have laughed, scoffed and belittled Mr. Neuman when every four years he would announce his candidacy for President of the United States. I was sure he’d lose to Ford, never have the charm of Reagan, had nowhere near the ability to beat Clinton the politician, lacked the folksiness of Bush the son and stood no chance against Obama.
For 40 years, Alfred was a non-entity. And I took great delight in shaming him for even considering running for that highest and most grandest of public offices.
Yet today, given the choices facing us, I must turn- ashamed and red-faced – to Alfred and beg him to forgive me. Because I now see that if during just one of the election cycles he would have won, the U.S. would look completely different and the course it has run on would have been altered. With Neuman as President, there is no chance we would end up where we are today.
As November 5 approaches, Mr. Alfred E. Neuman I humbly ask you to forgive me. I sincerely pray that this time around you DO win because you are our only hope.
I will be voting for him. Will you?