Inbox Visibility

Inbox Visibility

I manage two inboxes, one personal and one business. Let’s take a quick live look into them: That’s right. No emails. I’m a big believer in Inbox:Zero. I don’t want emails cluttering up my inbox. I want emails to come in, read them and then deal with them. The longer...
Email And Elections

Email And Elections

It’s election season in the U.S. Yippee! I’m sure all of you are VERY excited for nonstop, 24/7 coverage of the federal and state elections. You probably can’t get enough of it! Sarcasm folks, sarcasm. The election cycle is here and it’s gonna dominate the news...
Both Sides Of The Table

Both Sides Of The Table

In general, my blog posts are based on my reactions and thoughts to something I’ve read or heard. Today’s post is sponsored by Last week’s blog post and the feedback I received A very large project I’m working on related to grants that will be publicized in just a few...