Time To Change

Time To Change

A few weeks ago, I saw a Director of Development job ad. I read through the description (very long because if it’s a nonprofit job, you’re probably doing the job of seven people at once). At the end was the proposed salary. The good: They listed the salary! I’ll give...
Stop Cutting Corners

Stop Cutting Corners

When’s the last time you heard a nonprofit CEO declare: “I make too much money. To help our organization, I’m going to resign and find a part-time volunteer to do my job. We’ll use the savings from my salary to help the organization thrive.” A volunteer fundraiser? Of...
Leadership Failure

Leadership Failure

“What cowards” “We just made a franchise altering decision, but we’re not gonna even attempt to explain ourselves.” “I’m fine with firing Dombrowski, but to not even take questions?!” “C-O-W-A-R-D-S” “Pack of frauds.” Nope, nothing political. These were Whatsapp...
What Successful Leadership Looks Like

What Successful Leadership Looks Like

Let’s start with what it is not: Successful leaders do NOT need to wake up at 4am. I know for like 30 seconds that was all the rage. Can we put that to rest please? (See what I did there?) At the end of this post, I’ll tell you the 10 habits of people who wake up in...