One Of Their Charities

One Of Their Charities

Last night I gave a presentation about gratitude and donor retention. At the beginning I shared this quote from Mark Phillips of Bluefrog Fundraising: “They are not one of your donors. You are one of their charities.” 🎯 They’re Mine! When it comes to donors,...
The Revolving Door

The Revolving Door

Qgiv recently released a very important study which was based on data they received from both fundraisers AND donors. Both sides of the table! A few weeks ago I posted some lessons and insights from the data obtained from fundraisers. Today we’re going to learn how...
Self-inflicted Wounds

Self-inflicted Wounds

Seeing things from both sides of the table provides great perspective. For example, I wasn’t just a fundraiser and grant writer. I also worked for a global family foundation which meant I sat on the side of the giver, not the asker. That was an eye-opening experience...
An Infinite Loop Of Insanity

An Infinite Loop Of Insanity

How many times have you had a bad customer experience, whether with an online store, a physical store, a restaurant, airline or other? My guess is more than once. And it’s frustrating as hell. You don’t get what you want, you have a hard time getting service or...
Gratitude Isn’t A Four Letter Word

Gratitude Isn’t A Four Letter Word

If everyone else was jumping off the Empire State Building… I can still hear my mom saying that to me when I was a kid. Probably in response to me asking to do something because “everyone else is.” She wasn’t wrong then and it still applies today. Best Practices When...