Inbox Visibility

Inbox Visibility

I manage two inboxes, one personal and one business. Let’s take a quick live look into them: That’s right. No emails. I’m a big believer in Inbox:Zero. I don’t want emails cluttering up my inbox. I want emails to come in, read them and then deal with them. The longer...
Nonprofit Marketing Data

Nonprofit Marketing Data

I do my best to stay on top of the latest fundraising and marketing data. It’s important to know what the current trends are and how that affects the communications coming from nonprofits to their audience. And then I impart the data to you. This article shares 45...
How To Promote Giving Programs

How To Promote Giving Programs

Guest post by Patrick Schmitt Let’s say your nonprofit is launching a giving program. It’s been a big investment of your time- you’ve done the research, set up a new giving tool and created a new web page explaining the process. You’re confident several audience...
What Type Of Experience?

What Type Of Experience?

I’m excited. I’m five years old, getting ready to fly from Hartford to Cleveland. All by myself. (I know, I know. Things were just different back in the 70s.) I’m dressed in a tie and jacket. I have a small bag with some snacks and books to read. My dad walks me onto...
Share Impact

Share Impact

I’m always on the lookout for smart, creative, clever campaigns. Doesn’t matter if it’s nonprofits or for-profits. I love to watch, learn and share. Share Impact A few weeks ago a friend sent me this video. Watch and enjoy: This is the original link where it appeared....