Email And Elections
Email and elections: Every nonprofit is wondering what to do. Should wyou send or not? Here’s what you should do.
Thoughts From The 2024 M R Benchmarks Report
The 2024 M+R Benchmarks report is a great nonprofit report to review. I share my thoughts on the fundraising and marketing data in the report.
A Great Idea
Your nonprofit can learn from Kanbe’s Market in Kansas City how to run a creative, engaging and fun campaign using email and social media!
Monthly Giving Increase
Monthly givers are some of your nonprofit’s best supporters. Make it easy for them to increase the monthly giving amount they’re donating!
Both Sides Of The Table
Sitting on both sides of the table- grant writer and worked for a foundation- you’ll have insights in how to build relationships with funders.
The Big Three
Nonprofits are moving towards concentrating on large gifts. Emphasis on The Big Three of fundraising will hurt them in the short and long run.
Through The Reader’s Eyes
When your nonprofit posts online or sends an email, you have to read it through the reader’s eyes and think how they’ll react to the content.
Turn A Negative Into A Positive
Your nonprofit may receive lots of negative replies and comments online. What to do with them? Here’s how to turn a negative into a positive.
The End Is Near
Some are predicting the end is near for social media. What does that mean for your nonprofit’s fundraising and marketing?
Social Media Metrics
Social media can be great for nonprofits. But you need to know which social media metrics to analyze to determine success.