by Ephraim | Aug 29, 2021 | content, social media, video
Your nonprofit has a presence on a number of social media platforms. But you’re not getting the engagement you want. Followers aren’t reacting to your content. They’re not commenting, sharing, clicking on your links, responding to your call-to-action. There are plenty...
by Ephraim | Apr 13, 2021 | content, fundraising, nonprofit, strategy
There’s a ton of great nonprofit content out there that you should be reading and learning from. Below are seven nonprofit enewsletters I recommend you subscribe to. A chance to learn from some of the smartest experts in the sector. Additionally, I’ve...
by Ephraim | Mar 21, 2021 | communications, content, reputation management, social media
According to Urban Dictionary, the term “read the room” is defined as: Understanding the emotions and thoughts of people in the room. It doesn’t just apply to people physically in the room with you. It means understanding how others will feel and react to what you say...
by Ephraim | Mar 1, 2021 | content, strategy, website
This post is a guest post written by nonprofit content expert Tatiana Morand of Wild Apricot. Has your nonprofit looked into SEO, or search engine optimization, for your website? If the answer is no, don’t feel bad. The letters SEO can send shivers down a nonprofit...
by Ephraim | Jan 25, 2021 | content, customer service, Twitter
This month I am celebrating a decade on Twitter, my favorite social media platform. I have somehow tweeted almost 137,000 times. My feed is a mix of nonprofit related content, marketing, some sports (especially Boston teams), 80s music and pop culture, humor and yes,...
by Ephraim | Jan 11, 2021 | content, social media, storytelling
A picture is worth 1,000 words. Yet sometimes, even the best picture needs to be accompanied by engaging content. Put the two together and they create storytelling magic. A Perfect Post Take a look at the picture and the content below it: Jews traditionally eat challa...